Thank you for loving me just as I am, and helping me to see that I can do the same.
Thank you for repeating yourself when I’m having a senior moment (which seems to happen quite frequently lately).
Thank you for accepting that I can eat the same 4 meals week in and week out, and for cooking me dinner most of the time because I hate to cook. And let’s face it you’re better at it than I am.
Thank you for accepting the fact that I will never be good at math. Okay, not even sort of good at math.
Thank you also for putting up with and tutoring me during those two semesters I took college algebra and statistics. I know it wasn’t pretty.
Thank you for accepting me, and my crazy/wonderful family for all that they are, the good, the bad, and the very loud.
Thank you for listening when I need to be a girl and vent. Thank you also for trying to hold yourself back when you want to tell me how I can fix it.
Thank you for working so hard, day in and day out, so that you can provide for us and give us such a wonderful life. It doesn’t go unnoticed, I promise.
Thank you for putting up with my morning issues. Enough said.
Thank you for giving me the time I needed to get my heart and head to the same place.
Thank you for your patience, kindness, support, love, and generous nature on a daily basis.
Thank you for putting up with my cold feet under the covers.
Thank you for encouraging me to finish school, and believing in me when I had lost faith along the way. You are my biggest supporter.
Thank you for encouraging me to pursue my passions, and helping me to realize I can accomplish anything if I have enough heart and determination within me.
Thank you for helping me to see the silver lining, on the days when all I can see is grey.
Thank you for doing your own laundry. You have no idea how jealous this makes other married women.
Thank you for being self-sufficient. I love your independent nature.
Thank you for noticing when I get a pedicure or change my hair. Girls like that.
Thank you for loading the dishwasher on a daily basis. This also makes me very happy.
Thank you for talking on the phone with me for long periods of time while you are away for work, even though you are not a phone person. I appreciate it.
Thank you for putting up with me while I figure things out. Even when it takes longer than you might like.
Thanks for realizing that although we came from different places, we can always move towards our shared goals together.
Thanks for always being so honest with me and being a team player.
Thank you for taking my brutal honesty with a grain of salt when I’m having a crap day.
Thank you for showing up and being there for me when I insisted I didn’t need you to be, and helping me to realize it’s okay to be vulnerable and accept help when it is offered.
Thank you for telling me you love me each and every day.
Thank you for being such a wonderful husband. I love you.
And thank you God for your continued blessings, and for giving me the opportunity to spend my life with such an amazing man, friends, and family. You are the center of it all.